Monday, 28 April 2008

I knew it!

They were fiddling around with my computer! My suspicions were correct. The stupid thing broke and I've been trying to fix it for ages. Finally the twins actually decided to HELP me instead of watching and laughing.
However, because of them, I haven't been able to post all weekend.
Basically, we're still on the move. We're running out of supplies, including soap and toothpaste. I am starting to consider wearing a nose peg whenevr in the presence of boys. Mind you, it's not like they're really experts at personal hygiene anyway.
Bitching aside, we're toying with the idea of releasing our locations.
There are several reasons for this:
1. Because we're lost
2. Because we're bored
3. Because we need more leads.

Basically, we need the Shadows to show up sometime soon. If we let them come to us we can get clues.
It sounds crazy.
And obviously, it wasn't my idea.

I haven't really explained what we're looking for, have I?
You know we're freaks, but do you seriously think we're the only ones?
Even we're not that bigheaded.


Luis said...

Right, I hate playing the skeptic and I simply won't accept such an outlandish story without proof so I guess I'll just speculate on the powers. Flying is up first. This doesn't seem too impossible and there are two ways it could work that i can think off. One he could control the air around him. Two he could be using some sort of energy to bend gravity. Second is super memory and dream walking. At first sight it seems that improved genetics could lead to this memory enhancement. However if he had the ability to make some sort of energy field around him he could use variations in it to store memories. also if this energy overlapped with someones brain when they are relaxed yet thinking actively (i.e. dreaming) he could experience that as dream walking. As for heat sucking it is possible the same energies from before can be worked concentrate heat or push it out (what you call cold sucking). Ditto for electricity. For telepathy/telekineses it can be that you send out energy like sonar to find out things about a particular objects. Thoughts would be easy since they are subtle energies. The breaking glass thing could just be just an overuse of this perhaps at a resonant frequency. The bringing pictures to life thing is a bit complicated. Maybe these energies can be used in union with peoples abilities to recognize patterns to create a physical copy of something in a picture or at least to cause people to think there is such a copy. Finally phasing through things could just be matter getting rearranged to pass between other atoms. At any rate, as they say, it's provably quantum.

Luis said...

oh and you should write a book.

Molly Harper + crew said...

Wow thanks mastergale for your explanations! You've been a great help. I'll get Dan to read this and match it up against what we already know.
Most of the stuff in the place we raided was gibberish and too technical even for me to understand.
Also, thankyou for explaining the way my power might work. I think I now know how I manage to explode things all the time.
Like I said, you've been a great help. I look forward to your help in future.