Tuesday, 29 April 2008

It's gone and now I can do something kind of cool

It's stil me, Ruth. Emily and Matt are really on guard now, which is less than can be said for the others who are out for the count. Basically, I couldn't speak until I pressed the send button because everything came out onto the screen. Does this mean me and Scarlet have a new power? No, it's an extension we didn't know about. I think I get it now. Every living thing has an electrical field, but mine and Scarlets are much stronger. That's why we can use the internet in the middle of a field.
Still not sure about the GHOST which hath traumatised us (Emily's words not mine) but at least I can trust Molly now. So sorry for being suspicious!

Oh, and thanks to the person who commented for us. It's nice when people care that much about us.
lol. I'm missing everyone but they don't all know we're gone.
Evie made doubles for us. We told our folks to keep quiet and some even moved away from home. JOe knows though and so do my mum and dad. I hope he's reading this.


Luis said...

Right I'd like to demystify myself. I am not a shadow and have no connection to them, aegis experiments, or any other government on earth. I don't really keep tabs on any government projects and i don't think they keep tabs on me any more than the normal amount (which is more than I'd like it to be). Also I have to admit i don't completely believe you. Open mindedness is something there should be more of but skepticisms still has its merits and the only power i can think of that you might be able to prove to me would be the twin's. I do research into physics and the paranormal but I'm not a professional. I do like to think my knowledge is above a layman's level (which is lower than I'd like it to be, the layman level that is). About the ghost it could be one of the powers acting up. The most likely candidates from most likely to least are: Evie, Molly, the Twins, and Dan. However if you'd care to listen to my non-expert opinion I have another theory (from this point on: massive speculation). Let's assume that since you were all created by one experiment you all share the same source of power: some previously unheard of energy. Where does it come from? I don't know but from your description it seems likely most humans have some level of connection to it. From this frame of reference let's try to explain poltergeist and ghosts in general. Since humans can access this energy its possible that when experiencing a very strong emotion they can control very crudely causing light bulbs to explode and stuff to move around in other words a poltergeist. Maybe when someone dies they sometimes leave an imprint or echo of themselves on this "aether". Since, presumably, you are all using and manipulating this energy a great deal of the time, left over energy floating around you could magnify any strong feelings you have or someone some distance from you may have. It could also be an "echo" but it could be really anything near you or concentrating on you. Heck it could be me.

Molly Harper + crew said...

Thanks for your help. I understand you don't believe me totally but it doesn't matter that much. As long as you're reading this and you know it's going on. I'm glad you're not a shadow, but you ca never be sure and we still have to maintain at least a little suspicion of readers