Friday, 2 May 2008

I hate attention seekers

I'm Evie Brown, writing from Molly's laptop. Molly still won't talk to us. She's acting stupid and immature, even if she doesn't trust the new people. Anyway, who cares about her. Every time I read this blog, it's all Molly Molly Molly. I haven't even got a decent mention.
I don't think this whole escape thing is working. We've gone round in a circle and we still haven't found anything else out. At least the Shadows have lost our scent.
It's not just me writing this, by the way. Emily is helping me.
I think I trust Sarah, despite her eating habits. But I think Mary's in on something. Scarlet chased her the other day when we were in ____ and we never found out why. And now we're on the right track, heading towards a place we're likely to get answers, she seems even more secretive than usual.
Matt and the boys seem to be coping well. We've got a couple of birthdays coming up soon, especially Emily's. But we've actually been thinking about James's. I'm not going to go into too much detail ( because he reads this) but we're going to get him something that he misses.
Molly's been behaving really strangely. She hasn't been reading thoughts right and she thinks we're out to get her.


Anonymous said...

Ok, this freakdom alliance thing, i have tracked your ip, and me and the renegades are going to try and find out your whereabouts. Once we find you we will have no trouble whatsoever getting rid of your files, making sure you appear non-existent, and then we will take whatever measures are necessary, this is your first warning, be warned.

Anonymous said...

I also forgot to mention, us renegades are a private military force. Renegades isn't our real group name, our actual names are kept secretive, as whats the point of a 'private' army if its not private? We are a legion of over a thousand trained soldiers. In arm to arm combat and CQB and nearly everything imaginable, we have handled your kind before and we know how to deal with you. You can't escape us, no matter how hard you try, sooner or later, we will hunt you down, and slay most of you..... except molly. We have our own plans for her.

Anonymous said...

hey renegades, or whatever you are.

We are a secret division of the , well its a secret, and are going to work with you whether you like it or not

nothing more is to be revaled

you were stupid to let yourself and your info out into the open.

freakdoms, i leave you with this message:

5,31,08-31,5,08-09:80-wurst ein lesbisch- THIS IS NOT A dATE

it is a coded message
you will be at the point of a blade when you know the meaning

Anonymous said...

we will fight to kill the ninja guys

we are a stupid division of whore-tramps and we are going to work with you to acheive maximum pleasure whether you like it or not

we will reaveal it all for a bag of raisins and some crack

we let our info out into your open, boobs too
ill leave you with this message:

uhh uhh uhh ahhhrrr oh harder
supercode maaannnn